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Five Proven Benefits of CBD Oil


CBD oil is one of the compounds found in Cannabis Sativa. Unlike the other compounds, Cannabidiol has proven that it has low toxicity. Moreover, CBD is not psychoactive. This profile makes CBD an ideal treatment for several ailments. Here are some proven benefits of CBD oil.


Reduces Pain and Inflation

Although marijuana products were used to relieve chronic pain and inflammation in the past, it is not until recently that study revealed that CBD at is the compound responsible for that action. One study conducted on rats showed that CBD reduces pain by inhibiting the transmission of endocannabinoid. Other studies conducted on human volunteers revealed that CBD is an efficient pain modulator for patients suffering from multiple Sclerosis and Arthritis. As such, some countries have legalized the use of Sativex to treat cases of Multiple Sclerosis.


Natural Treatment for Depression and Anxiety

Anxiety and depression are the leading causes of several mental ailments facing several people today. In fact, the World Health Organization reported that depression is the major cause of disability in the world. Anxiety, on the other hand, was ranked sixth. Scientists have therefore carried out numerous tests on animal and human models to figure out whether CBD at can be used to reduce anxiety and depression. For example, 24 patients suffered from social anxiety were given CBD while others were given a placebo. The study revealed that those patients who took the CBD dose showed improved confidence in public speaking.


Fighting Cancer

Cannabidiol has also shown signs that it can be used in the fight against cancer. Furthermore, cancer patients can use it to alleviate some of the effects such as nausea. For example, a study was conducted on 177 cancer patients who did not find relief from other forms of medications. The patients who were treated with CBD and THC reported that the drug reduced the effects. CBD oil can also be used to relieve nausea induced by Chemotherapy. Other studies conducted on rats revealed that CBD could inhibit the growth, migration, and invasion of breast cancer cells. To get some facts about hemp oil, go to


 CBD can Reduce Acne

Another major health benefit of CBD is reducing acne. Various studies have hinted that CBD has anti-inflammatory properties as well as the ability to regulate the production of sebum. For example, a test tube study proved that CBD is responsible for regulating the production of sebum. In addition, Cannabidiol inhibits the activation of pro-acne agents such as inflammatory cytokines.


Improving Cardiovascular Health

Lastly, numerous studies have shown that CBD can be used to improve cardiovascular health. For example, one study showed that CBD could be used as a natural treatment of high blood pressure.

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